
I love the taste and smell of lemongrass! This herb is native to Southeast Asia and has an intense zesty citrus flavor. With kefir lime leaves and galangal, lemongrass is a foundational herb in many Southeast Asian dishes.

Kitchen Creativity

Lemony-scented, this culinary herb flavors soups, stews, and curry dishes. Lemongrass is also great in marinades and dressings and calming when added to green tea.

Releasing the Flavors

Crush and saute with garlic and onions to release fragrance and flavors for stir-fry dishes.

Suggested Uses

  • Tea - Add to hot teas, water, and sparkling water.

  • Beef, pork, chicken - Combine with minced garlic and ginger to flavor meats.

  • Broth - Use the whole stalk to flavor chicken or beef broth for a zesty, lemony flavor.

Highlighted Benefits

Lemongrass contains substances that can help relieve stomach disorders, pain, swelling, and insomnia. Lemongrass also has antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Fun Facts

Lemongrass belongs to the grass family. Its leaves yield palmarosa oil that may help with skin cell renewal.

Sample Recipe




Homemade Barbeque Marinades