In 2010, I found myself caught in a whirlwind of doctor's visits and prescription medications, desperately trying to manage the challenging symptoms of auto-immune problems. Inflammation, fatigue, joint pain, toxic overload, chronic hives, hair loss, skin sensitivity, and allergies were ruling every aspect of my life. It felt like I was trapped in a body constantly at war with itself.

But amidst the physical discomfort and emotional turmoil, I fought back and made a powerful, life-changing decision. I refused to let these health issues define me or hold me back. Deep down, I knew there had to be a better way to reclaim my vitality and live a life of true fulfillment.

With unwavering determination, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing. I extensively researched, seeking natural solutions to restore my body and mind balance. And that's when I discovered the incredible power of food as medicine.

Intuitively, I knew that nourishing my body with wholesome, natural ingredients would be the key to unlocking a healthier, livelier, and happier version of myself. I embraced a holistic approach, embracing all things natural and sustainable.

It wasn't an easy path. There were challenges and setbacks along the way. But with each step forward, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and empowerment. I began to witness the transformative effects of my choices as my symptoms gradually subsided and my energy levels soared.

I experienced firsthand the true meaning of “You are what you eat” and “Let food be thy medicine” and discovered my true capabilities and how to use natural holistic approaches and food’s superpower to help support the body’s natural ability to heal itself and achieve personal health goals. Ever since, I have been enamored with the idea that you can use food to help you thrive mentally, physically, and emotionally from the inside out and that we can make the changes we need.

If you want to see a change in yourself, decide to do it, and don’t look back.

Today, I stand as a testament to the incredible resilience of the human body and the boundless potential within each of us. I am living proof that we can take control of our health and create a life of vibrant well-being.

So, if you face similar struggles, I want you to know there is hope. You can rewrite your story and reclaim your vitality. Trust in your intuition, seek knowledge, and embrace the healing power of nature. Together, we can journey towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled you.

Founder, Naturally Vie

How I Discovered My Passion And Purpose

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A life-changing decision where getting certified as a holistic health and nutrition coach with The Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2011 to help myself forever drew me on a course where self-care has become a priority. I had the innate instinct that nutrition would be the key to resolving my health issue when I began keeping a food journal to figure out what was causing my adult acne, chronic hives, and fatigue problem. That’s when a new world of food politics, holistic health, and getting to the root cause rather than focusing on dealing with the symptoms of health changed my whole perspective on food. At the same time, I also acquired a personal training certification from the National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) and a TRX trainer certification to round off my fitness knowledge and help myself heal and transform my overall health and body.

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To keep updated, expand my nutrition knowledge, and help myself maintain the physique I worked so hard to achieve, I got certified as a Precision Nutrition Level 1 coach. This certification has given me a deep understanding of the science of nutrition and the art of coaching. I've learned about key physiological and biochemical processes, principles of nutrition, and the value of macro- and micronutrients. I also gained expertise in performance nutrition for athletes, dietary modifications for specific needs and preferences, and guiding individuals in learning and practicing healthy habits. As a graduate of the Precision Nutrition Level 1 certification, I’ve further gained the knowledge to apply in real-world situations, making helping people achieve their health and wellness goals a reality.

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When I started my nutrition study with IIN, I experienced firsthand the power of using food to heal. I passionately advocate for a holistic and natural approach to health. I believe in the body's innate capacity to heal and the power of ancient, natural, organic foods, herbs, and remedies because I lived through the experience and saw results. This nutrition certification has equipped me with the knowledge to help individuals tap into this inherent healing power. I am committed to reviving our ancestral knowledge of healing and empowering others to transform their health and lives.


Inspired by my own transformation and radiating energy and motivation, I began strategizing to share my treasure trove of ideas, tips, and practical applications with others. I started working with previous retail clients seeking to improve their health and saw their transformation first-hand, how energized, lively, and more confident they felt about themselves. The desire to make a bigger impact led me to learn how to create and design a health and wellness website to reach more people. But I wanted to share more than information, so my website kept evolving until it became


As a once-uninformed person turned holistic health and nutrition coach who applied all I’ve learned and personally overcame health challenges, I can understand the challenges people face at different levels in their transformative journey toward self-reliance and well-being. 

NaturallyVie embodies a philosophy and the essence of self-reliance for creating a vibrant and fulfilling life. Through this website, I promote a holistic approach and empower individuals to prioritize their health, nurture their minds and bodies, and embrace their unique journey toward wellness. 

Most people don’t realize that good health is not a sprint but a marathon, and what you do today can impact how you live tomorrow. So, join me as we embark on a natural, holistic path to vibrant living and unlock the full potential of your well-being. 

Welcome to NaturallyVie, where life and vitality thrive. Let me guide you on your journey to discover the power of owning your health and living the life you deserve.

“If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do, and you'll achieve the same results.”

~ Tony Robbins