10 Healthy Swaps for Ultra-Processed Foods

Did you know nearly 58% of calories eaten in the US and 56% consumed in the UK come from Ultra-processed foods, making them the primary energy source of these countries?

The worse news is that higher consumption of ultra-processed food is associated with a 79% and 30% substantial risk of obesity and abdominal obesity, increasing the risk factor for cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnoea, Type 2 diabetes, musculoskeletal conditions, and cancer.

When I began doing a health overhaul a little over ten years ago, the first foods I cut from my list were processed foods. But because I didn’t want to give up the foods I enjoyed, swapping them for healthier alternatives became a helpful habit that made managing a healthy lifestyle easier and improved my relationship with foods.

  1. Swap sugary breakfast cereals for rolled oats.

  2. Swap sweetened yogurt for plain or Greek yogurt.

  3. Swap frozen pizza for homemade pizza.

  4. Swap chicken nuggets for homemade crumbed chicken.

  5. Swap sausages for lean meat.

  6. Swap frozen sweet potato wedges for fresh sweet potato cut into wedges, sprinkled with paprika, and baked in the oven.

  7. Swap potato chips for plain air-popped popcorn.

  8. Swap soft drink for mineral water infused with a squeeze of lime, lemon, crushed strawberries, or raspberries.

  9. Swap mayonnaise for avocado with a squeeze of lemon.

  10. Swap muesli and energy snack bars for mixed unsalted nuts.


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