5 Self-Massaging Techniques To Help Relax & Relieve Tension In Your Body

Self-massage is a great way to relax and relieve tension in your body. Here are five self-massaging techniques you can try:

1. Neck and Shoulder Massage

Start by sitting or standing with a relaxed posture. Use your fingertips to gently massage the muscles at the back of your neck and shoulders. Apply gentle pressure and make circular motions to release tension.

2. Foot Massage

Sit on a chair and place a tennis or massage ball under your foot. Roll the ball back and forth, applying pressure to different areas of your foot. This can help relieve tension and improve circulation.

3. Hand and Wrist Massage

Start by rubbing your hands together to generate heat. Then, use your thumb to apply pressure to the palm of your hand in circular motions. Move your thumb along the base of your fingers and massage each finger individually. This can help relieve tension in your hands and wrists.

4. Back Massage

Lie down on a mat or a comfortable surface. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground. Use your hands or a massage tool to apply pressure to your back in circular motions. Start from the lower back and work up to the upper back. This can help relax the muscles and relieve back pain.

5. Scalp Massage

Sit comfortably and use your fingertips to massage your scalp in circular motions. Start from the front of your head and work your way to the back. This can help relieve tension and promote relaxation.


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