Plant Protein sources

When I decided to lean out after learning that a high body fat percentage is a precursor to chronic diseases, I trained hard and ate well. A combination of functional training and a healthy diet with high-quality meat and vegetable proteins helped change my body composition.

Protein is essential for our health and body composition. They are vital nutrients and can be broken down into 20 building blocks known as amino acids. Nine of these 20 amino acids are necessary as the body cannot make them. The other 11 amino can be synthesized by the body, making them non-essential. We must obtain these from the diet through various animal and plant-based sources. Good news for people who prefer a plant-based diet as it is possible to source all of these from plant-based sources.

An intake of 0.4 – 0.6 grams of protein per pound is sufficient for a healthy person who is mainly sedentary and not seeking changes in body composition.

Here are fifteen plant sources of protein:

  1. Almonds - 1/4 cup - 8 grams

  2. Avocado - 1/2 - 2 grams

  3. Black Beans - 1 cup - 15 grams

  4. Broccoli - 1 cup - 3 grams

  5. Chia Seeds - 1 ounce - 5 grams

  6. Dried Apricots - 1/2 cup - 2 grams

  7. Edemame - 1 cup - 17 grams

  8. Flax Seeds - 1 tablespoon - 2 grams

  9. Oat Bran - 1 cup - 7 grams

  10. Peas - 1 cup - 8 grams

  11. Pinto Beans - 1 cup - 15 grams

  12. Quinoa - 1 cup - 8 grams

  13. Spinach - 1 cup - 1 gram

  14. Walnuts - 1/4 cup - 4 grams

  15. Wild Rice - 1 cup - 7 grams


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