Hair Health Tips

Unless you’re losing hair in batches, don’t be alarmed yet. It’s normal to lose about 150 hairs per day. Hair loss is due to several reasons, including stress, shock, excess vitamin A, and hypothyroidism. So, what steps can we take to prevent it?

Below are some natural alternatives to dealing with hair loss that are gentler for your health and body.

5 Natural Alternatives

Herbal Remedies

  • Drink rosemary tea to improve circulation.

  • Rinse your hair with nettle vinegar.

  • Infuse together ginger and fenugreek and massage onto the scalp.


  • Mix lavender, rosemary, sage, or cedarwood essential oil with olive and massage onto the scalp.

  • Add the above essential oils to your hair care products.

Chinese Traditional Medicine

  • Support liver and kidney health with mulberry, fleece flower, and wolfberry root.

Vitamins and Minerals

  • Ensure you get enough vitamin B complex, magnesium, choline, calcium, and inositol.

Traditional Home and Folk Remedies

  • Drink sage tea.

  • Apply sage tea to the scalp.

  • Drink nettle tea to help cleanse the system and encourage hair growth.


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