Add These 6 Foods for Radiant Skin

The next time you are in the supermarket, pick up some powerful antioxidant fruits and vegetables to help combat aging and boost your skin health. Who knew skincare routines could be delicious right?

One of my favorite skincare routines is feeding your skin from the inside out with a healthy diet packed with powerful anti-aging foods that help neutralize the free radicals in your body.

As you may already know, free radicals can damage cell structures in the body, attacking collagen and lipid, causing premature aging.

6 Beneficial Anti-Aging Foods

Spinach is the protector of collagen and elastin fiber in the skin. Spinach also has high beta-carotene content that helps protect your skin against UV rays. Other nutrients in spinach include vitamin C, iron, and a good source of protein.

Blueberries are high in the antioxidant anthocyanidins and vitamin C, which may help your body build more collagen. Blueberries' Other benefits include helping fight cancer, boosting brain health, and maintaining bone health.

Raspberries are high in manganese and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for maintaining healthy skin. Both play a role in helping to produce the amino acid proline, which helps to stimulate collagen production and speed up wound healing.

Goji berries contain a particular type of sugar that helps increase the production of white blood cells, the immune system's defender. Goji berries have two powerful antioxidants which help to protect the retina from free-radical damage.

Pomegranate contains high amounts of antioxidants, almost three times higher than green tea. The powerful antioxidant called punicalagin is found in the peel and juice. Other antioxidants include zinc, selenium, vitamin E, and vitamin C.

Green tea is packed with potent antioxidants that may help prevent certain forms of cancer. They are rich in catechin and vitamin C, antioxidants that help heal and repair the skin from damage caused by UV rays, the environment, and pollution.


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