9 Positive Mindset Tips

Are you a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty type of person?

It’s all about perspective. How we look at situations, whether positive or negative, determines our experience. I’ve always been a glass-half-full person, especially after my bouts with a blood clot in my brain that may have triggered seizures when I was nineteen that disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. A situation like that can change your perspective on life. For example, the importance of brain health was not top of mind until that incident. But it wasn’t until years later that I had the right strategies to help keep my mind healthy. Good brain health is certainly not to be taken for granted, and it starts from the inside out, beginning with our mindset.

A positive or negative mindset can impact your physical and mental health. And having the right attitude can help us achieve a lot in life, and the opposite is true.

Live life from the inside out, not the other way around. That means you can control what happens to you by maintaining the right mindset. Of course, it doesn't mean everything will always go how you want, but you can confront it more easily by being positive.

I want to share some tips to help you pursue a happy mind that’s helped keep me grounded and peaceful from within.


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