6 Ways to Kick Excuses to the Curb

Let’s face it, putting up barriers is what we do best to avoid things that make us uncomfortable, so we make excuses not to do them. If we’re honest with ourselves, we’re all guilty of it at one time or another. But making excuses too often may create a habit that keeps you in a cycle of feeling unmotivated, hindering you from progressing with your life goals. Instead, you can train yourself to feel motivated and make it a habit to commit rather than accept excuses. Does any of these excuses listed below sound familiar?

Excuse 1:

“I don’t have time.” 

Solution: Make your new healthy habit a priority. 

Try to exercise whenever you can. Take the stairs or get off the bus a stop early. Plan one grocery shopping day a week and prepare healthy meals to freeze and eat later when you cannot cook.


Excuse 2:

“I’m not motivated.”

Solution: What did you start in the first place?

For example, would you like to do what you love without feeling tired or out of breath? Would you like to stop worrying about your health? Think about these things when you think you want to quit.


 Excuse 3:

“I don’t like eating healthy foods.”

Solution: Try making your favorite recipes more healthily. 

For example, you can reduce the amount of oil, sugar, and salt when you cook. Add a cup or two of broccoli, carrots, or spinach to your meals. Find sources where you can get inspired with new recipes. 


Excuse 4:

“I don’t like physical activity.”

Solution: You don’t need to spend time in the gym to stay active. 

You can be active in many ways, including dancing, walking, gardening, or taking fitness classes. Choose an activity that you enjoy and look forward to. Explore new options for physical activity.


Excuse 5:

“I can’t do this on my own.”

Solution: Find others to be active with you. 

That will help you stay interested and motivated. Consider doing fun exercise classes, like salsa dancing. Get your family or co-workers involved with the healthy eating concept. Plan healthy meals together with your family or friends. 


Excuse 6:

“I don’t know enough about healthy habits.”

Solution: Talk to a professional. 

You do not have to be an expert to change your habits. A few tips and ideas can do wonders. Use the knowledge of experts and let them guide you along the way.


3 Ideas for Staying On Track

1: Track Your Progress

  • Review your plan and keep an activity journal or food diary to track your progress. 

  • Writing down your progress can be one of your most essential tools for staying on track. Recording your progress serves as a good reminder and helps to keep focused. 

  • Keep a journal. It’s a great way to measure how close you are to reaching your goals.

2: Overcome Roadblocks

  • Problem-solve to “outsmart” your barriers. Think about the things holding you back and implement innovative steps to overcome them. 

  • Ask a friend or family member for help when needed, and always try to plan. For example, if you know you will not have time to be physically active after work, start your day with some exercise or walk during your lunch break. 

3: Reward Yourself

  • Set rewards right after you complete your healthy habit. Treat yourself to something you enjoy, like a relaxing shower, a fruit smoothie, a phone call to a friend, or new workout gear. 

  • Choose rewards carefully. While you should be proud of your progress, remember that a high-calorie treat or a day off from your exercise routine is not the best reward to keep you on track. 

  • Pat yourself on the back. If negative thoughts creep in, remind yourself how much good you are doing for your body with your changes.




9 Positive Mindset Tips