Antioxidant-Rich Olive Sauce

I love olives!!!

What I remember best about them are my weekend shopping trips to the “souk” marketplace with my mother growing up in Morocco. The barrels of green and black olives swimming in marinades of herbs and spices are visually embedded in my mind, and every time I think of it, I can taste the olives on the tip of my tongue; that’s how vivid they are (giggle).

The health value of olives lies in their rich antioxidant content. So rich in good fats, it’s one of those ingredients everyone should have in their kitchen pantry.

I want to share my fantastic olive sauce recipe that will turn your grilled fish, meats, and vegetables into a mouth-watering dish. Eat and enjoy while feeding your body with health-promoting nutrients!


  • 1 large egg yolk, pasteurized

  • 1 lemon, peeled, halved

  • 1/4 cup fresh parsley leaves

  • 6 ounces kalamata olives

  • 1 garlic clove, peeled

  • 3/4 cup light olive oil


  1. Place ingredients in the order listed into a blender, egg yolk, lemon, parsley, olives, and garlic.

  2. Blend on high speed for about 20 seconds.

  3. Remove the lid plug, set your blender to low, and pour the oil in streams through the lid plug opening until thick in consistency with the machine running.

  4. Replace the lig plug and blend on high speed for about 10 seconds.



