
The beauty of olives is they are the perfect fruit to add to your daily beauty diet. Rich in antioxidants like vitamin E, helping to neutralize free radicals keeping your skin youthful looking and supple, olives’ health benefits don’t stop there.

Highlighted Benefits

Besides being rich in vitamin E, olives contain other beauty-benefiting nutrients like copper, iron, calcium, and vitamin A. Studies have shown two kinds of antioxidants in olives: hydroxytyrosol and oleanolic acid, to help reduce inflammation in animals.

Copper plays a role in stimulating elasticity and collagen and helps repair skin damage from sun exposure, making it an excellent anti-aging mineral to include in your daily diet.

Iron-rich foods are your beauty diet’s best friend; they help make your skin glow, nails, prevent brittle nails, and promote hair growth.

Calcium helps with skin regeneration, replacing old skin cells with new ones so your skin doesn’t appear dry and fragile.

sample recipe




Antioxidant-Rich Olive Sauce