Brazil Nuts

There are many reasons to keep your thyroid healthy. Besides helping your digestive system to function smoothly, regulating how fast your body uses calories (helps with weight management), and controlling the rate of dying cell replacement (benefits skin and bone health), thyroid health also affects brain development. These are a few reasons I include Brazil nuts in my diet regularly.

Rather than popping a supplement to get the amount of selenium that benefits thyroid health, I eat two to three Brazil nuts daily.

Highlighted Benefits

Selenium is an essential trace mineral that helps protect the body from infection and oxidative damage. Nutrients in Brazil nuts include magnesium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, copper, vitamins B1 and B6, and vitamin E.

Other benefits of Brazil nuts include:

  • May improve cardiovascular health

  • It may help lower cholesterol

  • It may help reduce inflammation

  • It may help protect against cancer

  • Improve thyroid health




Flax Seeds