Chili Peppers

What can I say about chili pepper, except I grew up watching my mom and aunt eat them like they were going out of style. And I can understand why. These capsaicin-packed little fruits help speed up your metabolism.

Highlighted Benefits

Anti-aging, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory

Chili peppers help to improve circulation and promote pain reduction, two excellent reasons to add them to a diet. Other benefits of this hot spice are helping to improve digestive health, relieving migraines, reducing blood pressure, preventing cardiovascular diseases, and more.

An alkaloid compound called capsaicin is found in chili peppers giving them their spicy taste, which helps promote weight loss and reduce inflammation. Chili peppers are also very high in vitamins A and C, making them an excellent source for immune health. Vitamin C helps with immune function and wound healing and promotes glowing skin. Vitamin A helps maintain and protect eye health.



