
I love coconut and am such a huge fan! I use them in my cooking and skincare creations. I often treat myself to a delicious brand of coconut water like some people would treat themselves to fine wine. I know we all have our preferences.

During my wonderful visit to beautiful Puerto Rico, I couldn’t get enough of the taste of young coconut meat and pastelillos (yum!) and relished the simple culinary experience of island life. That wonderful moment took me back to my childhood visiting Thailand, where I remember tasting freshly roasted young coconut on an open fire; that was when I fell in love with coconuts.

Highlighted Benefits

If you aren’t familiar, coconut oil has many excellent health properties. Whether ingesting them through food or applying them on your skin, you cannot deny their sweet, aromatic taste, smell, and remarkable health properties.

Coconuts are highly nutritious and contain potent antioxidants, which are brilliant for overall and skin health.

Traditional medicine uses coconut meat to help ease inflammation, which is unsurprising due to its anti-inflammatory property. You can find fiber, protein in coconut meat, and essential minerals such as iron, copper, magnesium, and manganese. The meat also contains medium-chain fatty acids (MCT), which may promote brain health and endurance.

About Coconut Water

You may already know coconut water contains electrolytes, minerals that carry electrical charges found in our blood. Electrolytes help regulate and balance fluid in the body and play a role in muscle contraction and energy production.

As a coconut water connoisseur, I splurge on quality rather than quantity. Not all coconut water is created equal, and many contain added sugars your health and body won’t appreciate, so when buying them, it’s a good idea to check the labels first.




Cayenne Pepper