Detox Body Scrub

No matter where you live, the weather can affect the condition of your skin. Sometimes your skin can become dry and dull in appearance. That’s when a whole body scrub can come in handy; it helps to liven it up. Body scrubs help to eliminate dead skin and put the glow back into your skin.

This body scrub recipe is one I learned to formulate that’s relatively easy to make. It includes ingredients purposely chosen to bring your skin back to life.

Make some and store it in a glass jar, ready to treat your skin to a home spa day, a great way to destress. This recipe makes enough to last for up to two months.


  • small glass bowl

  • 1 glass jar with a tight lid

  • Stirrers


  • 1/2 cup finely ground dead sea salt

  • 1/2 fennel seed powder

  • 1/2 cup ginger powder

  • 16 teaspoons sesame oil

  • 4 drops of lemon essential oil

  • 4 drops of ginger essential oils


  1. In a small glass bowl, mix all the dry ingredients. Stir in the sesame oil. Add the essential oils.

  2. Scoop the mixture into a glass jar and close the lid tightly.


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