Gentle Detox Juice

You can use many nutritious vegetables and fruits in your detox juice recipe since many have a cleansing effect on the kidneys, liver, and digestive system. My favorites are a combination of cucumber, celery, ginger, and pear. Celery and cucumber have a gentle diuretic property to help rid the body of toxins, and ginger has high levels of antioxidants that help support kidney function and has been used since ancient times to aid digestion. And who can forget about pears? I love using pear to sweeten my juice recipes; the best thing about pear is its anti-inflammatory properties.


  • 2 small cucumber

  • 1/2 celery bunch, leaves removed

  • 1 pear, cut into quarters

  • 2 inches fresh ginger roots, peeled


  1. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for juicing since all juicers are different.


Homemade Nut Butter


Tea Kettle