Goat & Feta Cheese

I developed a taste for these two kinds of cheese when I lived in Northwest Africa, and their flavor is more unique than what most people are used to since they don’t taste like cheddar or parmesan. They both are a bit tart. Feta is the saltier of the two, but both are delicious companions to salads.

Highlighted Benefits

Good quality feta cheese is made from sheep’s milk and sometimes combined with goat’s milk, which the digestive tract can better tolerate than cow’s milk.

Both goat cheese and feta are fermented and contain probiotics like thermophillus, bifudus, bulgaricus, and acidophilus that promote gut health.

Goat cheese contains less harmful casein than cheeses made from cows. It has a higher amount of medium-chain-fatty acids (MCFAs), including capric, caprylic, and caproic acids, making it a good source of healthy fats like those you find in coconut oil which helps support energy metabolism.

Feta cheese is a calcium-rich food that may help protect the body from cancer when combined with vitamin D, and as you already know, calcium alone is good for bone health. It also contains specific proteins that help boost immune health.




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