
Growing up, we didn’t eat desserts at the end of each meal. When we did, they consisted mainly of fruits. Yogurt, on the other hand, was the equivalent of cakes and cookies packed for school for desserts. I remember thinking, how come we didn’t get peanut butter sandwiches and cakes and cookies like other kids? Instead, we had authentic meals for lunch. I’m so grateful for that now.

Yogurt became a staple in my refrigerator before probiotics became mainstream, and I’m picky with the brands I choose. I remember a homemade version I had at my mother’s friend's house in Morocco that was delicious in texture and taste that made me fall in love with yogurt in the first place. I find myself looking for that same tanginess and smooth texture in every yogurt I buy, and my number one rule is never to buy them with fruit on the bottom or added sugar. It’s best to buy unsweetened yogurt like plain Greek yogurt and add fresh fruits, nuts, and seeds to change it up. You can also make your Greek yogurt like I do, which is not as complicated as you think.

Highlighted Benefits

Animal-based yogurt is an excellent source of B vitamins like riboflavin and B12, protein, calcium, and phosphorus and contains probiotics in fermented foods like those found in kimchi and kefir. Consuming yogurt may help to increase the diversity of live bacteria in your gut which is beneficial for overall health and skin health.

I’m referencing this article for your convenience should you want to know more about yogurt’s benefits and influence on gut health.



