
One of my favorite hot and cold beverages is a matcha tea latte made from homemade almond & coconut milk and sweetened with maple syrup. It’s one of those drinks with layers of taste that warm your soul and makes your taste buds happy. Maybe that’s a bit of a stretch for some people, but it’s exactly how I connect with my food ;).

Imagine being able to sip your way to more energy and beautiful skin or drink a delicious smoothie to help you recover from a great workout because that’s exactly what matcha green tea offers.

Highlighted Benefits

Grounded matcha tea leaves have a robust, slightly bitter, nutty, grassy, smooth, and fresh taste. Matcha contains high antioxidant properties, probably the highest of the superfoods.

The antioxidant catechins found in matcha are effective in helping the body fight diseases like cancer, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Catechins give plants their color and protect them from oxidative damage. It’s why matcha has been included in my daily diet for over a decade as part of my healthy skin-boosting, anti-aging regimen.

sample recipe


The Blender: My Secret Weapon in the Kitchen

