
The taste of freshly foraged mushrooms is incomparable, yum! Whether shiitake, maitake, reishi, crimini, Chaga, oyster, or morels, mushrooms are deliciously healthy, and I love them all! And can I tell you how satisfying my taste bud was when I took home a batch of freshly foraged morels from my first trip?

When I first moved to Minnesota, I went foraging for mushrooms with a family member who got certified in mycology; that’s a big scientific word for “the scientific study of fungi,” by the way ;). And if you go foraging for mushrooms, you must go with a mycologist unless you can tell the difference between poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms.

What an experience, and what a workout! My body felt like I was recovering from the gym after a challenging workout. Who knew foraging could take such a toll on your body?

After that experience, I no longer questioned the price of wild mushrooms as they are rare, seasonal, and time-consuming to find. Like the morel, you see hidden from the picture below.

Highlighted Benefits

Mushrooms are an excellent source of selenium, an age-defending mineral that helps fight against premature aging skin. They are also a good source of vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin that helps to regulate calcium metabolism.

Mushrooms have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer-fighting properties and may contribute to cardiovascular health due to their potassium, vitamin C, and fiber called beta-glucan content.

Mushrooms are also rich in B vitamins, promoting brain health and energy production. You can also find selenium, copper, iron, potassium, and phosphorus minerals in mushrooms.

Shiitake mushrooms contain a type of sugar called polysaccharides that help increase the production of white blood cells, benefiting our immune system. A type of substance, eritadenine, found in shiitake mushrooms, improved HDL levels and lowered LDL.

Cooking Tips

Fresh mushrooms are excellent in soups and stews. You can also grill and sautee them, but did you know they also make a perfect flavoring companion to a savory dish? If you are not a big fan of MSG, love the umami taste, and prefer not to give it up, discover the healthier alternative in a dried mushroom powder form.

Please click on the picture below to get a healthier alternative. The image will take you to my Amazon page.


Swiss Chard

