Steel-Cut Oats

My favorite post-workout ingredient is steel-cut oats. That’s because they are an excellent source of complete protein. I like them in my smoothies and pancake recipes, and sometimes just a bowl of steel-cut oats cooked in coconut or almond milk topped with berries does the trick to help keep me satiated.

Highlighted Benefits

Steel-cut oats are an excellent source of protein, as well as minerals iron and potassium, and soluble and insoluble fiber. Steel-cut oats can help you maintain weight since they have high fiber content. Other benefits include heart health, diabetes management, and protection against heart disease.

Fiber is essential for overall health, especially for the digestive system. The specific fiber in oats, beta-glucan, may help reduce blood cholesterol and the risk of coronary heart disease and colon cancer.

Antioxidants, phenol, can also be found in oats which may help reduce inflammation by improving cell function.

Steel-cut oats also take longer to digest, making them a low GI food that may help reduce blood sugar spikes, a perfect grain alternative to help manage type 2 diabetes.


Brown Rice

